Tyler Yip

Hi there 👋 I'm Tyler

Software + Biomedical Engineering Student

Aspiring developer with a passion for creating cool stuff, connecting with smart people, and constantly learning new things.

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Work Experience

Software Developer Intern

May 2021 - August 2022

Technical Highlights

  • 8 months on a compliance management project in Angular, .NET, and MSS, deployed via Azure.
    • Extended data extraction and parsing features to ingest an additional 1,556 source documents.
    • Evaluated tools and compiled a client proposal for a data parser targeting an incompatible file format.
    • Orchestrated full front-end rebranding; redeployed as lead developer for a second rebranding effort.
  • 3 months on a land management project in .NET, Kendo UI, and MSS, deployed via TeamCity and IIS Express.
    • Handled client requests for existing prod deployment while assisting with a full-phase technical upgrade.
  • 1 month on a process overview dashboard project in React, Express, and MSS, deployed via Azure.
    • Delivered the proof of concept and set up the initial CI/CD infrastructure in Azure test environment.
  • 5 months on an energy trading and risk management project in .NET, WPF, and MSS, deployed via AWS.
    • Refactored various utility functions as part of a technical upgrade from a system deprecation.
    • Delivered new key business features related to interfacing with additional external systems.
  • 2 months on a data extraction and aggregation project in React, .NET, and Redshift, deployed via AWS.
    • Refined EF migration process, performed data migrations, and added minor frontend enhancements.

Professional Development/Community Highlights

  • Spearheaded community social responsibility (CSR) project raising $4120 for the Calgary Women’s Emergency Shelter.
  • YYC Tech Gives Team Lead - raised $12530, 500+ lbs of food, and 22+ volunteer hours for the Calgary Food Bank.
  • Founded the Arcurve Fun Team to re-energize internal culture in a hybrid working model through 12+ social events.
  • Chief Intern Officer - mentored 18 interns for 4 months; supervised 3 CSR projects that generated $7000 in revenue.
  • Designed and facilitated an educational activity for kids in Halifax with Digital Nova Scotia’s Digital Discovery Camps.

NSERC and We-TRAC Funded Undergraduate Student Researcher

May 2020 - Apr 2021

Technical Highlights

  • Developed proof of concept app to automatically send custom data requests to We-TRAC database administrators.
  • Conducted a simulation-based study in R on 2,260 rides worth of Garmin cycling data to determine the benefits of implementing a cyclist green wave traffic system in downtown Calgary.

Research Outcomes

  • Articulated findings through written abstract and oral presentation at research events totalling over 100 attendees.
  • Invited to deliver a summary presentation to members of the City of Calgary’s Department of Transportation.
  • Invited to continue research part-time; investigated differences in cyclist biometrics related to cycling infrastructure.
  • Schulich School of Engineering Research Award: awarded to students whose research shows potential for practical application in the field of engineering.

ConsoleMates 🖥
Auth0 CSS Flask PostgreSQL Python React Tailwind TypeScript

Winner of the Calgary Youth Hackathon’s Advanced Division First Place, ConsoleMates is an anonymous letter writing app designed to aid the mental health of software developers. It features a functional terminal interface with custom commands that allows developers to write and send anonymous letters to other devs with similar experience or interests. Letter interactions are limited to a single send/response to keep interaction low commitment and provide a healthy method of venting. This project took my database skills to the next level as we properly planned and implemented the design using ERDs and proper relation modelling.

SunLite Sunrise Lamp ☀️
Auth0 CSS Flask Heroku LIFX PostgreSQL Python React Twilio TypeScript

Winner of MHacks’ 1st Place Top Overall Hack and Major League Hacking’s Best Use of Auth0, the SunLite Sunrise Lamp was our team’s first hardware hack! Our project allowed users to schedule a simulated sunrise using an LIFX smart lightbulb which would mimic the hue and brightness of a real sunrise over a 30-minute period. We incorporated the Twilio and Auth0 APIs to bring scheduling by text and user authentication functionality and managed scheduling using Heroku Scheduler. I learned a lot about remote database management and third party API integration during this project!

BenchBae 🌇
Django PostgreSQL Python React TypeScript

Developed in only 48 hours, BenchBae is the CalgaryHacks 2021 Tier 1 Second Place Winner! My team was tasked with find a way to incorporate Calgary’s municipal open-source data to improve the future of Canadian cities. We were inspired by a dataset detailing park benches and created BenchBae, which is a date idea generator that recommends a restaurant and a sunset view location (west-facing park bench) in Calgary. I learned a lot about CSS styling and using React with TypeScript.

Vaccine Tracker App 💉
CSS Django HTML Python SQLite

As a final project in my CPSC 471 - Database Management Systems course, my group was tasked with creating a REST API to demonstrate database design principles. We created the Vaccine Tracker App which stores information on patient health records, vaccination records, doctors, nurses, healthcare facilities, and appointment bookings. To top it off, we designed a clean and simple UI for demonstration of our endpoints. I learned a ton about database design and management, the Django framework, and general REST API features.

BLM Timeline 📰
CSS Express HTML JavaScript PostgreSQL React

Inspired by the global movement to bring about social justice and systemic change, I had an idea to document the progress of the Black Lives Matter campaign in 2020. Our team developed a timeline web application using React, Express, and a PostgreSQL database to highlight the various achievements of the movement. The timeline also featured an admin page where admin users could post and update events. We intended for the content to be updated manually so we could focus only on the positive progress of the movement.

Benefits of Cyclist Green Waves using Wearables 🚲

The highlight of my 2020 summer research experience summarized on a poster and video presentation. I was fortunate enough to work with Dr. Reed Ferber and the We-TRAC program to conduct a self-directed study using cyclist wearable data. I learned R for analysis and visualization and gained a much deeper appreciation for data science. Not only was this project a challenge from a logistics and technical perspective, but it gave me the opportunity to work on other skills like effective communication and literature review. This project combined my passion for biking, my fascination with wearable technology, and my interest in academic research.

University Registration System 📚

As a final project in my ENSF 409 - Principles of Software Development course, my partner and I were tasked with developing a client/server application to emulate a university registration system. This project introduced me to several important concepts like design patterns, databases, caching, concurrency, and socket networking. The app supports different user types and simulates features like managing courses, assigning grades, and managing registrations.

MotivateMate ✅
CSS Java

In the early days of the Covid-19 pandemic, my friends and I wanted to use our budding software development skills to find a way to help others. We developed MotivateMate, which is a simple motivation and task tracking application that provides motivational advice based on completed goals. Our solution was built with Java and CSS and developed in 48 hours for submission into the 2020 COVID-19 Global Hackathon.

KidFlex 💪🏼
C# Unity

As part of the 2019 Innovation 4 Health “Health Hack” Competition, our team was tasked with improving care for children with hemiplegic cerebral palsy. In one short weekend, we developed a Unity game driven by a brain-computer interface (BCI) to provide functional electrical stimulation (FES) therapy in a fun and engaging way. We then had to pitch our solution amongst 26 competing projects at a Demo Day event at the Telus Spark Science Centre. Our team was awarded the People's Choice Award ($2500) for further development of our solution.

Planet Defender 🎮
C# Unity

Our team of 7 developed a brain-computer interface (BCI) controlled game designed for children with severe disabilities. Using a BCI headset and specialized P90 classifier program, brain activity can be interpreted as keystrokes to play the game. We used the Unity game engine and C# to create the game and Blender to create custom in-game models. The entire project was completed in 48 hours and submitted into the 2019 BCI Game Jam.